Bailo Bailo, the Musical, an adaptation of the 2020 film Explota Explota, directed by Nacho Álvarez, captures the spirit of 70's Spain through the life of Maria, a young dancer. The renowned Federico Bellone's direction, coupled with Gillian Bruce's choreography, creates a brilliant blend of emotion, dance, and music. The show has garnered critical acclaim for its stellar cast, including Lydia Fairén, Natalia Millán, and Gonzalo Ramos. Get your tickets for Bailo Bailo, the Musical in Madrid, and witness a transformative journey through the iconic hits of Rafaela Carrá.
Bailo Bailo follows the life of Maria, a young, sensuous dancer in 70's Spain. Despite the rigid and censored society, Maria aspires for freedom. The musical carries you along Maria's journey as she discovers that even her most challenging dreams can become a reality. The narrative intertwines the path of 3 protagonists - Maria, Pedro, and Rosabella - leading them to Madrid, Rome, and an airport where their lives cross. Join them on a quest to discover themselves, as well as their path toward personal, and professional development, and success.
Located just a stone's throw from Plaza del Callao, at the heart of Gran Vía, stands the renowned Capitol Gran Vía movie theatre. Managed by the Smedia Group, this venue not only showcases films but also serves as a versatile space for various events. Within the Capitol cinemas are 3 film exhibition halls: the Main Hall, Hall 2, and Hall 3. The Main Hall and Hall 2 host alternating film screenings and theatre performances. These versatile spaces are available for rent, catering to a diverse range of public and private events.
Seating Capacity: 1300
Address: C.Gran Vía, 41, Centro, 28013 Madrid, Spain
Available Facilities: Snack Sales Area, Parking, Dolby Digital Sound, Digital Projection
Accessibility: Reserved Spaces, Disabled Access
Security: Please be aware that for your comfort and security all audience members will be subject to security checks upon arrival at the Capitol Gran Via.
Dress Code: Smart and casual wear or semi-formals are recommended. Keep in mind, most theatres are air-conditioned throughout the year and can get a bit chilly.
Outside Food: Most theatres do not allow outside food inside the theatres but most of them also have a café or restaurant inside the premises or nearby.
The cost of the Bailo, Bailo, the Musical Madrid tickets will vary depending on the type of seats you choose.
Q- What is the opening date for Bailo, Bailo, the Musical?
Bailo, Bailo, the Musical premieres on 1st February 2024 at Capitol Gran Via in Madrid.
Bailo, Bailo, the Musical is suitable for all ages.
Bailo, Bailo, the Musical is playing at Capitol Gran Via in Madrid and premieres on 1st February 2024.
The running time of Bailo, Bailo, the Musical is 2 hours.
The main stars of Bailo, Bailo, the Musical are Lydia Fairén, Natalia Millán, and Gonzalo Ramos.
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